Deadly Disease Timeline 1901 - 1910 |
Year |
disease (findings) / outbreaks |
scientific reasearch/cure |
Medicines |
Articles |
1901 |
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1902 |
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1903 |
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1904 |
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1905 |
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1906 |
Rickets : Christiaan Eijkman and Gerrit Grijns extract
the antineuritic factor from rice hulls, later shown to be vitamin B1. |
1907 |
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1908 |
Diabetes : German scientist, Georg Zuelzer develops the
first injectible pancreatic extract to suppress glycosuria; however, there
are extreme side effects to the treatment. |
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1909 |
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1910 |
Frederick Madison Allen and Elliot P. Joslin emerge
as the two leading diabetes specialists in the United States. Joslin believes
diabetes to be 'the best of the chronic diseases' because it was 'clean,
seldom unsightly, not contagious, often painless and susceptible to treatment |
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Year |
disease (findings) / outbreaks |
scientific reasearch/cure |
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