Timeline History

New York City History Timeline 1701 - 1800

Year Politics Historic Events Personalities Art & Literature Architecture / Buildings Finance Crimes and Disasters Sports & Entertainment
1701-1710       Yellow fever epidemic kills more than 500 people (1702).  
1711-1720   A highway in Bronx was laid out. It was later renamed East 233rd Street (1714).      

1st Jewish congregation in US formed the synagogue, "Sherith Israel, NYC." (1730).
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William Bradford, an English-born Quaker, established the New York Gazette. The site at 81 Pearl was later taken up by a Chinese restaurant (1725).      
1731-1740 NY colonial Gov. William Cosby died. George Clarke became the new governor (1736). John Peter Zenger (b.1697), German-born immigrant, published the 1st issue of the New York Weekly Journal. Zenger, the partner of William Bradford, had left the Gazette to form the rival New York Weekly Journal. Attorney James Alexander hired Zenger in order to publish anonymously his criticism of NY Governor William Cosby (1733).       Brooklyn
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1751-1760   Columbia University was founded as Kings College in NYC (1754).

St. Patrick's Day was 1st celebrated in NYC at Crown & Thistle Tavern (1756).
Columbia University was founded (1754).      
1761-1770   The Stamp Act Congress, meeting in New York, drew up a declaration of rights and liberties (1765).

1st US Chamber of Commerce formed in NYC (1768).
  St. Paul’s Chapel was built. In 2001 it was Manhattan’s oldest church (1766).    
1771-1780   British troops captured Fort Washington on the north end of Manhattan during the American Revolution (1776).

Continental Army routed by British troops in the Battle of Long Island, aka the Battle of Brooklyn.(1776).

David Matthews is elected as the mayor (1776).
Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American-born saint and the founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph, was born in New York City. She was canonized in 1975 (1774).     Approximately 1000 houses, a quarter of the city, are destroyed in a fire a week after British troops captured the city during the American Revolution. Arson is speculated and during a round-up of suspicious persons, Nathan Hale is arrested (1776).

Fire near Cruger's Wharf destroys 64 homes (1778).
1781-1790 The U.S. House of Representatives held its first full meeting, in New York City. Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania was elected the first House Speaker (1789).

George Washington was inaugurated and took office in New York as the first president of the United States (1789).

New Yokers celebrate Evacuation Day, the day George Washington returned to the city and the last British forces left the United States (1783).
Continental Congress convened in NYC (1785).

The US Supreme Court convened for 1st time in Royal Exchange Building, New York City, the nations temporary capital (1790).
Washington Irving was born (1783).     US Investment Markets Born (1790):The federal government refinances all federal and state Revolutionary War debt, issuing $80 million in bonds. These become the first major issues of publicly traded securities, marking the birth of the U.S. investment markets.    
1791-1800   Albany became the capital of New York state, replacing New York City (1797).   Brownstone House constructed(1800). Bank of Manhattan Company opened in NYC. It was the forerunner to Chase Manhattan (1799).

Five Securities Traded (1792).

Buttonwood Agreement (1792):Twenty-four prominent brokers and merchants gather on Wall Street to sign the Buttonwood Agreement, agreeing to trade securities on a commission basis. The New York Stock Exchange traces its beginnings to this historic pact.
Minor yellow fever epidemic leads to creation of Bellevue Hospital (1794).

Yellow fever epidemic kills 732 between July 19 and October 12, from a total population of about 50,000 (1795).

The "Coffee House Slip Fire," destroys about 50 structures near Murray Wharf (1796).

The "great epidemic", a major yellow fever epidemic, kills 2086 people from late July to November. Epidemics occur in several other years, but this was the worst of them all (1798).
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