World History Timeline: 1701 - 1800 |
Year |
Rulers |
War and Politics |
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Art and Architecture |
Science and Technology |
India |
Historic Events / Personalities |
1701-1710 |
Much of Europe involved in War of Spanish Succession; French
routed at Battle of Blenheim, 1704 (1701- 1713)
The Kingdom of Great Britain was formed (1707) |
Bartolomeo Cristofori invents the piano.(1709) |
City of Detroit founded in North America by Antoine de
Cadillac to control passage between Lakes Erie and Huron (1701) |
1711-1720 |
Reign of King frederick william I of Prussia (1713 -1740) |
Tuscarora War between settlers and Native Americans in North
Yamasee nation attacks South Carolina colony, killing hundreds of English settlers(1715) |
French build fortress, one of the strongest in North America,
at Louisbourg in Canada(1716) |
In England, Thomas Newcomen invents a workable steam pump
for use in mines (1712)
Englishmen, John Shore invents the tuning fork. (1711)
New Orleans was founded (1718) |
City of New Orleans is founded on Mississippi river (1718) |
1721-1730 |
Cardinal Fleury governs France peacefully
(1726 -1743) |
Persia's Safavid dynasty fell (1722) |
Peter the Great founds Russian Academy of Sciences (1724)
Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the first mercury thermometer.(1724)
First discovery of diamonds in Brazil in Minas Gerais area where gold is already mined(1727) |
Coffee first planted in Brazil, by Europeans (1727) |
1731-1740 |
Frederick The Great rules Prussia (1740 -1786) |
Prussia attacks Austria and drags much of Europe into War
of Austria Succession (1740 -1748) |
John Kay invents the flying shuttle.(1733)
Natural rubber discovered in the humid rain forests of Peru(1736) |
South Carolina is shaken by slave revolts(1739) |
1741-1750 |
Reign of Elizabeth I of Russia, daughter of
Peter the Great; (1741 - 1761) |
The First Saudi State was founded by Mohammed Ibn Saud (1744) |
1751-1760 |
Seven Years War; Prussia and Britain versus France, Austria,
and Russia (1756-1763)
The Industrial Revolution (1760-1830)
General James Wolfe defeats French at the Battle of Quebec(1759) |
The great Lisbon earthquake in Portugal; many thousands
killed (1755) |
1761-1770 |
Reign of Russian empress Catherine the Great
(1762 - 1796) |
British expedition against Cuba seizes Havana from Spain(1762) |
James Watt invents an improved steam engine.(1769)
Stamp Act imposed on British colonies in Americas(1765) |
1771-1780 |
Reign of Louis XVI, king of France (1774 -
1792) |
American Revolution (1776)
War of Bavarian Succession between Prussia and Austria (1778) |
James Watt perfects steam engine (1775)
David Bushnell invents a submarine. (1776) |
Boston Tea Party (1773)
US Declaration of Independence (4 July) (1776) |
1781-1790 |
William Pitt the Younger is prime minister
of England (1783) |
French Revolution (1789)
Outbreak of French Revolution; Paris Bastille stormed (1789) |
Louis Sebastien demonstrates the first parachute.(1783)
John Fitch invents a steamboat.(1786) |
US independence recognized at Treaty of Paris(1783) |
1791-1800 |
George Washington is first president of the
United States (1789-1797) |
Trinidad captured from Spanish in Caribbean(1793)
France overruns Netherlands; creates dependent Dutch republic
(1795) |
John Barber invents the gas turbine.(1791)
The first ambulance.(1792)
Italian scientist Volta invents electric cell (1800) |
Canada Act divides Canada into Upper and Lower Canada(1791) |
Year |
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India |
Historic Events / Personalities |
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